Types of Advertisements in Advertising

Advertising is a paid, impersonal method of conveying information about products or ideas by an identifiable sponsor via mass media, aiming to influence consumer behavior. It is impersonal because it involves a computer generated fantasy targeting a specific audience segment.  Advertising disseminates information about products or ideas and can be categorized based on Function, Region, … Read more

Understanding Advertising Appeals: Meaning, Types & Methods

Advertising Appeals are the strategies or approaches used by advertisers to capture the attention of their target audience and encourage them to take action, such as making a purchase, trying a product or service, or altering their behavior. These appeals act as the “hooks” that make advertising messages more engaging and memorable. Various types of advertising … Read more

Social aspects and Ethics of Advertising

The social aspects of advertising typically involves the final two principles: providing complete information and ensuring the absence of externalities. In fact, debates on social issues often highlight instances where advertising violates one or more of these fundamental economic principles.  Advertising reflects social life by providing daily updates, making it an internal part of our … Read more

Advertising Purposes and Functions

Advertising has three main objectives: to inform, persuade, and remind. Informative advertising raises awareness about brands, products, services and ideas. It introduces new products and programs and educate people about the features and benefits of both new and established products.  Advertising is undertaken to achieve certain objectives such as: Release a Product The most common … Read more

Beneficial Impacts of Advertisements

Advertisements are messages funded by a business or advertiser and broadcast through a mass medium to persuade a target audience to favor a brand, develop a more positive attitude, or intend to make a purchase.  Small businesses often have limited budgets for advertising, but the benefits are frequently worthwhile. Positive Advertising aims to influence a … Read more